This article analyzes the semantics and contextual use of the most
frequent phraseological units with the ethnonym component "Turk", "Turkish" in the
Serbian language with Russian parallels. It is in them that the results of the five-century
coexistence of two peoples - the Serbs and the Ottomans - are clearly traced in the
historical context, namely the facts of the influence of Turkish culture on the South
Slavic, which, as a result, formed the stereotypical ideas of the Serbs about the Turks,
reflected in the mentality and modern language, in particular - in phraseology.
Translated title of the contributionReflection of Serbian stereotypes about Turks in South Slavic phraseology
Original languageRussian
Title of host publicationЭтнопедагогический ежегодник
Subtitle of host publicationсборник научных статей. Выпуск 14
EditorsСветлана Михеева, Ольга Димитриева
Place of PublicationЧебоксары
PublisherЧувашский государственный педагогический университет им.И.Я.Яковлева
ISBN (Print)978-5-88297-722-0
StatePublished - 2023

    Research areas

  • Serbian language, phraseology, ethnonyms, stereotype, culturology, Turk

ID: 107023487