The modern language situation of Kyiv, which has been formed over the centuries, is a unique material for sociolinguistic description. Kyiv Russian-speaking along with Russian-Ukrainian bilingualism, illustrates the specifics of the modern Kyiv city interdialect. The actual Russian language as a colloquial form of communication of the residents of Kyiv, as well as the switching of language codes (Russian language in its various versions - surzhik as a mix of Russian and Ukrainian - the standard Ukrainian), marking of the social prestige, the social prestige, the sociolinguistic function of Russian vernacular in everyday colloquial discours - all this factors together represents the modern linguistic palette of Kyiv city interdialect. This article is devoted to the analysis and typologization of the using by residents if Kyiv of the different language codes, depending on the certain communicative situations and the social status of the carries of these codes. This phenomena is caused, among other things, by su
Original languageRussian
StatePublished - 2020
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • Kyiv, language code, RUSSIAN language, Russian vernaculare, Ukrainian language, urban interdialect, городской интердиалект, Киев, русский язык, русское просторечие, украинский язык, языковой код

ID: 78460472