This article is devoted to interpretation of the trilogy by Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar as the artistic whole. Being a modernist, Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar it is recognised to be one of the most difficult for understanding and interpretation among authors: such saturated and various language of his symbols is. The novel "A Mind at Peace" by Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar, which was recently translated into Russian, is by right considered to be one of the greatest current Turkish novels. We try to show in the article that, thanks to a musical theme, which is very thinly and carefully realised, as well as thanks to dramatic modes involved in creation of the artistic worlds and connecting all three novels in a whole, and as well as thanks to the author's peculiar experiments with time, Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar manages to create "Mahur Beste" trilogy, imparting special sounding to each of the novels within the general whole of the trilogy. The author of article emphasises that both various elements of culture of the perished Ottoman Empire and modern culture elements are mentioned in the "musical" trilogy "Mahur Beste", and it is synthesis of these elements which, together with application of modernist methods, allow the author to create such a saturated text. Special attention is paid by the author of the article to the issues of periodisation and of the sequence of novels within the trilogy.