The authors analysed the factors impacting ventricular extrasystole (VE) incidence in young people with
arterial hypertension (AH). Маterials and methods.
The results of 980 examinations of AH patients have
been reviewed, 330 of them between 24 and 45 years
of age (main arm), and 650 between 46 and 74 years
of age. The study included review of ECG data, Holter
ECG monitoring, body mass index (BMI), age, gender,
standard blood biochemistry. VE was diagnosed on the
basis of 24-hours’ Holter monitoring. The following exclusion criteria were applied, ejection fraction less than
50% based on echocardiography, oncology and mental
patients. Results. The study of young AH patients demonstrated that VE and paroxysms in this group correlated with potassium blood level (r=–0.38, р=0.04), glucose (r=–0.73, р=0.001), LFT (АSТ (r=0.70, р=0.03), АLТ
(r=0.38, р=0.05), albumin (r=0.40, р=0.003)), аnd testosterone blood serum level in males (r=0.83, р=0.009)). In
case of hypertension, VE paroxysms were more frequent
in younger patients. In AH patients more advanced in
age VE correlated with lipid metabolism. Analysis of
behavorial cardiovascular risk factors showed that the
number of VE correlated with body mass index if the
latter exceeded 25, i.е. in overweight or obese patients.
A model was designed to forecast VE paroxysms. Age
and QT/QTc ration were considered the most informative. The forecast was 77,4% accurate in the learning
sample, and 77,4% in the control one. Conclusion. The
discriminative model developed may be recommended
to examine young AH patients in order to single out
groups of patients with VE paroxysms’ risks prior to
Holter monitoring.