Since the Soviet times, the Russian language has played a significant role in the life of the population of almost
every post-Soviet state. During the cultural revolution, the Russian language was promoted to the role of the main
means of interethnic communication. Russian Russian was quite justified, since the Russian language belonged to the
predominant part of the population, and almost all world literature, both scientific and artistic, was translated into
Russian, which, thus, made it a source language. At this stage, lexical interference between the Russian and Uzbek
languages was initiated, which was most clearly expressed in the borrowing of language units. The Russian language
played an important social role-overcoming interlanguage barriers, which made it possible for close contact of various
nationalities within the republic. Speech interaction was carried out in Russian in almost all spheres of the life of the
Soviet people: education, training of workers, professional and scientific and technical activities. This article discusses
the consequences and examples of lexical interference.