The study was aimed at identifying and evaluating the components of consumer ethnocentrism (CET) as predictors of attitudes towards the purchase of domestic goods in an alternative choice situation. The survey was conducted on a sample of 304 consumers aged 17 to 30 years. The results showed that the structure of consumer ethnocentrism of young Russian consumers includes four components: “support” (support for domestic manufacturers), “threat” (perceived threat from the imports), “propaganda” (perceived effectiveness of propaganda aimed at creating ethnocentric consumer attitude), and “habit "(habitual loyalty). In the sample studied, habitual loyalty received the lowest rating. The highest rating was received by the “support” component, which predicts the attitude to the purchase of domestic goods in an alternative choice situation. The strength of this link is much higher among consumers with a higher level of material well-being, which serves as a moderating variable. Three “conservative” values (safety, conformity, and traditions) predict the level of consumer ethnocentrism. These links are stronger among consumers with low incomes. At the same time for such consumers the СET components do not contribute to the attitude and likelihood of buying domestic goods.
Translated title of the contributionComponents of Consumer Ethnocentrism as Factors of the Buying Attitude
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)1-34
JournalПетербургский психологический журнал
Issue number30
StatePublished - 2020

    Research areas

  • consumer ethnocentrism, values, consumer behavior

ID: 52574526