Many conflict situations, where coalitions of players are resolved, can be modelled using the apparatus of the theory of cooperative games. The main idea of cooperation is that all players form one coalition, i.e. trying to maximize the winning of the largest coalition. The next step is to find the distribution of the win. Since there are some smaller coalitions can be formed, it is not the only one. One coalition may be more preferable for the player than another in the games with a coalition structure. Therefore, it is reasonable to find a best devision of the players into coalitions, where it is unprofitable for any player to leave it. Such coalition structures are called stable. The basic idea of sustainability is comparing individual player wins, not the coalition one.
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)476-480
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2019
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • coalition structure, cooperative game, stability, коалиционная структура, кооперативная игра, устойчивость

ID: 78530249