The paper discusses the main pragmatic senses of English political texts expressing the meanings of disapproval or blame of politicians and political events and involving connotative lexemes. As Bondarko stresses, the relation of the meaning expressed in the text and the position of the speaker (in our case - writer of the English political paper) is related to the domain of pragmatic analysis. In the center of investigation we found pragmatic potential lexemes which can name personalities, objects, events, situations and abstract notions. The main evaluative parameters involve the following oppositions: “good - bad”, “pleasant-unpleasant”. The paper discusses the relations between evaluative (connotative) meanings of English lexemes, on the one hand, and pragmatic functions of the writers in English newspapers, on the other hand,- in the translational perspective.
Translated title of the contributionConnotative component of English political lexicon in the aspect of translation
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)42-46
JournalФилологический аспект
Issue number2(46)
StatePublished - 2019

    Research areas

  • pragmatics, Semantics, political discourse, CONNOTATIVE MEANING, EVALUATIVE FEATURES, TRANSLATION

ID: 42533718