The emerging technologies have penetrated into everyday life and have become natural part of it. Despite the fact that they made the communication, logistics and bureaucracy much simpler, they also originated a group of problems. Questions of incontrollable behaviour of user’s exists in the dialectic symbiosis with fear of total control by government; all of these are forming the discussion, that considers privacy issues. The patterns of virtual communication have its own specific: it is more straightforward than the communication of an author and a reader, but it is less proximate than in “real” world. This situation causes interpersonal conflicts. The method of ethical analysis that is used in this paper, in the conflict-surveys opens the perspective on investigating the conflict solving and conflict prevention aspects. In combination with case-studies method ethical analysis allows to formulate the applied rules of virtual communication, considering its specificity. Social networking websites are considered as a new form of media, the space where ones can introduce themselves and the public space of digital interaction at the same time. The ground theoretical base of the article is the concept of seven types of privacy. All the cases are divided into three groups, according to the types of privacy, that usually are the core of the conflict in social network communication process. The study can start launch the discussion on digital etiquette as an instrument to level down the conflict in social nets and to normalize the process of cooperation between the users.