The French cinematographer Robert Bresson (1901–1999) is known
as the creator of his own unique style which is often called ascetic or
minimalistic. At the same time in his films he often used themes, motifs
and storylines from works by Fedor Dostoevsky. This article explores
parallels between the novel “Crime and Punishment” and the
film “Pickpocket” (1959) and makes an attempt to explain the originality
of Bresson’s adaptation.
Translated title of the contributionDostoevsky, Money and Cinema in Robert Bresson's "Pickpocket"
Original languageRussian
Title of host publicationКино и капитал
Subtitle of host publicationАльманах Центра исследований экономической культуры
EditorsАлександр Погребняк, Нина Савченкова
Place of PublicationМосква; СПб.
PublisherИнститут Гайдара
ISBN (Print)978-5-93255-545-3
StatePublished - 2019

    Research areas

  • Брессон, Достоевский, деньги, кинематограф, адаптация

    Scopus subject areas

  • Arts and Humanities(all)

ID: 38278527