The article deals with the problems of terminology that first of all, are reduced to questions of uncertainty of terms, their ambiguity, subjectivity of researchers, the lack of critical analysis of “well-established” concepts and clear them use, to achieve requirements of multi-variant categories of its adequate interpretation and formation of conceptual a device that approaches the unity of the invested sense. The author draws attention to the fact that the problems in the use of categorical apparatus in media research can be of different properties. For example, in addition to ambiguity, polysemy of some concepts, there is also the problem of synonymy, because different concepts can mean the same thing. There are attempts to eliminate certain categories, absolutization of some of them. There is also a problem associated with the subjectivity of researchers. It is concluded that the previously developed terminology needs clarification and development.
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)150-155
Issue number5 (149)
StatePublished - 2019
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • categories, concepts, historical cognition, polysemy, research, science, subjectivism, term, theory, исследование, историческое познание, категории, многозначность, наука, понятия, субъективизм, теория, термин

ID: 78585895