Lobbyism in the United States arose simultaneously with the state itself, and a democratic system of governance contributed to its rapid development. But if we are talking about urban politics, then the influence of these groups also deserves close attention. They invest money in the process of forming laws and rules in accordance with their own interests. And at the same time, the hierarchy of the US government provides various ways for local representation. To answer the question “who controls?”, You must first determine the organizations and sectors that are involved in this process and how they operate.
Original languageRussian
StatePublished - 2020
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • business lobby, interest groups, lobbyism, local government, state, urban policy, бизнес-лобби, городская политика, государство, группы интересов, лоббизм, местное самоуправление

ID: 78626387