In the religious philosophy of India, siddhis are traditionally understood as “supernatural” qualities that are acquired by a person coming a certain spiritual path. The authors of the tantric texts distinguish between the goals of liberation and siddhis, but they perceive their relationship differently. Sometimes these goals are perceived on the same level, in this case the siddhis are not placed below liberation. The same set of practical means can lead to both mokṣa and siddhi, albeit at different times (“Siddha-Siddhānta-Paddhati”). Siddhis as qualities of a person liberated during human life are evaluated extremely highly. In tantric schools, which attach great importance to liberating knowledge, siddhi is essentially a key mystical experience of a liberated subject. In general, when comparing mokṣa and siddhi with each other, three levels of interpretation are observed in tantric texts: “folk” (legendary), external (literal) and internal (figurative).
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)197-206
Issue number2
StatePublished - 2020
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • Hindu Tantrism, liberation, sādhana, siddhi, индуистский тантризм, освобождение, садхана, сиддхи

ID: 78614314