The authors designate a new direction of scientific research at the junction of a number of disciplines: cultural suggestology. Appeal to the history of theoretical understanding by representatives of different sciences of the phenomenon of suggestion, suggestive practices, starting from the turn of the 19-20th century, to attempts at its philosophical substantiation allows us to conclude that there is a constant interest in the problem and the value of suggestive communication in cultural genesis and the formation of a cultural subject. The open by B. F. Porshnev mechanism of interrelation of suggestion, counter-suggestion and counter counter-suggestion is considered on the example of cultural processes, and there is underestimation of its practical significance in the context of subsequent studies. Evaluation of the practice of suggestive communications, reflecting the controversy against the backdrop of political confrontation, does not remove the problem of analyzing their psychological mechanisms. The meaning of suggestive communication, including conscious and unconscious forms of influence, is revealed for the processes of cultural identification, reflection, acculturation, formation of attitudes of conformism and non-conformism. The examples of Russian and foreign sources show the inconsistency of the results of psychological experiments regarding the evaluation of suggestive interaction. The concept of multi-facet of suggestiveness is supported, according to which the forms of suggestiveness that are independent of each other are generated by the specifics of a particular cultural situation and communicative context. Along with the suggestion that forms the culture, the counter-suggestion forms the value of cultural new formations and determines the dynamics of the development of the culture subject - the refusal to obey the norms is transformed into their development and the formation of a new synthesis. Overcoming the narrow framework of psychological, sociological, political and other aspects in the study of suggestion issues is probably possible being based on the inter-scientific approach, creating prerequisites for assessing the diversity of suggestive practices in the processes of cultural genesis. The relevance of the integration of interrelated problems in the interdisciplinary scientific direction is justified by examples of both asocial suggestion and positive experience of counter-counter-suggestion synthesis, which implies a multidimensional study of its theoretical and practical perspectives.