The article reveals the main components and technologies for constructing the image of the governor of St. Petersburg A.D. Beglov. As empirical material for the analysis, we carried out a mechanical sampling of A.D. Beglov’s speeches on radio, television and social networks with an interval of 1-2 speeches per month. The methodological basis of the article is the socio-semiotic structuralist approach of D. Chandler. The analysis of the material was based on a deep discourse analysis method with the allocation of both discursive and intentional, content, psychological variables, based on the works of D. Chandler, D.J. Winter, M.J. Hermann, W. Weintraub and S.J. Walker. The authors of the article also emphasize the influence of political and institutional changes on the image of the governor - increasing media exposure and publicity due to the return of direct elections. As a result, an increase in the types and amount of media resources in constructing the image of the governor was also noted: radio, television, social networks. The discursive features in the representation of the governor during the election campaign and after it are highlighted. Based on the data obtained, a multiple variable was also formed - the style of achieving goals. The most common style was the command technocrat. Particular attention is paid to the semantics and topics of the governor's addresses in the context of the most important problems for the townspeople during the election campaign: the discourse of A.D. Beglov traced such key topics as the social and economic development of the city, its improvement. The study notes that these image technologies construct the image of the governor-business executive and also appeal to the predominantly elderly group of the city's population.