The article deals with the origins of the image of the ideal city in ancient Russian literature (biblical and patristic thought); New Jerusalem in «Law and Grace» - Kiev; in «The Tale of the Murder of Andrei Bogolyubsky» - Vladimir; the image of ideal city into Galician-Volyn annals; ideas about the spiritual purity of the inhabitants of the old Russian city, their connection with the Church, the need to liken the earthly life to heavenly life.
Original languageRussian
StatePublished - 2020
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • ancient Russian literature, Constantinople, eschatology, ideal city, Kiev, New Jerusalem, spiritual symbolism, древнерусская литература, духовный символизм, идеальный град, Киев, Константинополь, Новый Иерусалим, эсхатология

ID: 78521197