The article describes a Russian-based novel interactive model of supporting languages and literary cultures. It has been designed by the Strategic Centre for the Development of Higher Education for Translators from Languages of the Russian Federation, founded at the Russian Academy of Education (RAE). This model has now been applied to Tuvan language.

The model relies on a solidary effort by RAE representatives in the region. It covers six aspects and is implemented in four stages, each of which involves several of the aspects.

During the face-to-face stage, a seminar was held at Tuvan State University in November 2019 to discuss some of contemporary prose and poetry in Tuvan, as well as recordings of folklore recitals. The seminar heralded in a comprehensive methodology of supporting the literary culture of the region by means of Russian translations.

The seminar can be seen as a starting point for further development of translation in the region. An in-depth analysis of the original texts and comparing them with translations proved that the methodology described is extremely useful in scrutinizing the depth and richness of Tuvan culture. Also in high demand is the mastery of Russian language in the region, and the full use of its stylistic and literary resources.
Original languageRussian
Article number15
Pages (from-to)176-180
Number of pages5
JournalНовые исследования Тувы
Issue number1
StatePublished - 4 Mar 2020

    Research areas

  • interactive model, Tuvan language, Russian language, Tuva, Tuvan State University, Russian Academy of Education, literary translation, Tuvan folklore, literary genre, initial rhyme, literary culture, Interactive model, Literary translation, Initial rhyme, Literary genre, Literary culture

    Scopus subject areas

  • Arts and Humanities(all)
  • Cultural Studies
  • Anthropology
  • History

ID: 51043665