The article examines the ideological prerequisites of the Russian humanities in the context of the conservative paradigm in Russia. The most important values of conservatism are revealed: ontologism, traditionalism, ethicocentrism, historicism. Examines Slavophilism, represented by the works of A. S. Khomyakov, K. S. and I. S Aksakov, I. V. Kireevsky, Yu. F. Samarin. The main categories for the philosophy of Slavophilism are revealed: sobornost, living knowledge, etc. A special place in the article is occupied by the analysis of the controversy of the Slavophiles Yu. F. Samarin, I. V. Kireevsky, K. S. Aksakov and Westernizer B. N. Chicherin on the problem of Russian education. It is concluded that this controversy was largely associated with the understanding of the axiological premises of the humanities, the scientist's attitude to the national and socio-cultural aspects of the development of Russia, reflected some real problems of the formation of the national humanitarian science. The subject of this research is also the concept of Eurasianism, the works of N. S. Trubetskoy, N. N. Alekseev, P. N Savitsky and others. Their works were devoted to the analysis of the problem of the historical and cultural specifics of Russian and European humanities. The article presents the judgments of N. S. Trubetskoy on the doctrinal features and axiological foundations of the European humanities. Specifically, it is argued that the Eurasians developed a new paradigm of the humanities, based on the categories of mestorazvitie, ideocracy, guarantee state, they proposed an original historiosophy and sociology and criticism of Westernizing methodology of humanity. The conclusions of the Eurasianists can be updated in the context of modern humanities.
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)99-108
Issue number4
StatePublished - Dec 2021

ID: 90272339