The current linguistic situation of the Kievan conglomeration of dialects, which has evolved over the course of several centuries, is a unique subject for linguistic description and study, diff ering substantially from analogous examples elsewhere in the Slavic world, particularly within the urban dialects of Lviv, Prague, Zagreb, Sarajevo, and Ljubljana. The Russian speech of Kievans along with Russian-Ukrainian bilingualism, the switching of language codes, the marking of their social prestige, the various forms of the manifestation of Surzhyk, linguistic and sociolinguistic function of Russian colloquialisms in everyday speech of Kievans constitute unique traits of the urban dialect. This study discusses how Kievans use language codes in communicative situations that depend on the social status of the carriers of certain codes, the character of communicative situations, and the type of a language code being used by people involved in conversation. This kind of a phenomenon is a form of linguistic interference within the mixing of two closely related languages. Discussing multicodality of the presentday Kievan image/svg+xml48 urban dialect, this article off ers a wealth of examples of how Kiev residents speak today. Special emphasis is laid on the role of the Russian language as a foundation for creating Kievan colloquialisms.). The data acquired in July and August of 2018 enable us to structurally present the actual language situation of the multi-million Kievan population and to describe how Russian is functioning in the speech of Kievans. Ten basic language codes have been identifi ed, as well as the reasons for code switching. Their social status was established.
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)37-49
JournalВестник МГУ. Серия 9. Филология
Issue number4
StatePublished - 2019

ID: 37761224