The article focuses on the ethical issues of publicly significant Internet discussion with the use of bots. Discussion is seen as constructive multi-user communication in social networks, aimed at the exchange of views, to achieve a comprehensive understanding of socially significant issues. Based on the analysis and sociological conceptualization of the materials of the vast information base, which consisted of scientific publications on social and information sciences, the communicative roles of bots in Internet discussion were defined: saboteur, facilitator, participant. The socio-cultural aspects of discussion interaction on socio-political issues of bots and individuals are problematized: cultural sensitivity of the robot; cultural attitudes of the bot; endowing the bot with subjectivity, power with its legitimization, having authority in the eyes of users; automated management of communication in the acuteness and emotionality of the problems discussed; public opinion about bots; affordances; ethics of interaction and use of digital assistants.