The reason for this article is the controversy between the modern scientific community and scientific management, related to the quantitative evaluation of effectiveness of scientific activity. The idea is to demonstrate the significant differences in research activities, which are invisible for scientometrics, but, nevertheless, are important when considering the effectiveness of science. In focus are two contradictory modes of scientific activity which were opened by modern epistemology - searching for objective knowledge about the world and the pursuit of the unknown. It is the second modus that is often hidden from the external evaluation. The epistemological description of these modes associated with the difference in the understanding of scientific objectness, their justification in the context of Kant's transcendentalism and determination their values in the context of the social legitimization of scientific activity are given in the article. The conclusion is that these two modes of scientific activity through the institutes of education can influence the formation of the norms of social interactions and contribute to the resolution of social conflicts, including the conflict between the scientific community and scientific management.