The relevance of this paper is connected with the importance of the development of non-primary sector for the Russian economy, in particular, the service sector, with the need to harmonize the forms and methods of state support for domestic service producers, producers of high-tech goods and related services in accordance with the objective laws of the economic conjuncture dynamics. The review of the theory of cycles' main provisions from the beginning of its formation to the modern researches is represented. The analysis and statistical estimates of the world trade development in service are given. Cyclic regularities in the service markets development, which confirmed the main provisions of the theory of cycles, are revealed. It was concluded that it is expedient to indicate the regularities of the economic conjuncture dynamics with the use of Big Data technologies for the macroeconomic statistical indicators analysis that reflect the development of various spheres of the economy over the long time periods. The results of in-depth statistical monitoring of the international conjuncture in the sectoral service markets can be taken as an empirical basis for identifying intensive factors of economic growth, determining and forecasting the service types that are competitive in the world market, and forming the strategic directions for the domestic service sector's development.
Original languageRussian
Title of host publicationЭкономика и менеджмент в условиях нелинейной динамики
Place of PublicationСПб
PublisherИздательство Санкт-Петербургского Государственного Политехнического Университета
ISBN (Print)9785942257103
StatePublished - 2017

ID: 87454077