The term “game” and its multi-faceted potential are usually encountered by psychology students in the works of L. S. Vygotsky. Games are often viewed in the context of infancy and early childhood, while detracting from their importance in development and learning in early youth and adulthood. However, most of the functionality of games, described mainly from the point of view of the role in the development of the child, is also characteristic of older people. So for example, the words L. S. Vygotsky (1) that the ability to adhere to the rules is a key feature of games for school readiness, and the ability to understand and accept the rules and act according to them - a kind of indicator of the level of development of a child, in the context of an adult can also indicate (if we talk about business games) the level of knowledge and mastery of professional competencies in hypothetical situations, according to certain rules - frameworks, models, theories (according to the ethical code of a psychologist,Выпуск 1(69) ч. 7 ISSN 2524-0986within a certain scientific paradigm, etc.). The article deals with business games - a new format of games designed to make a significant contribution to the educational process of psychology students.