A shadow of a doubt always fell on an idea of a threshold. Herbart came up with
a concept of ―a threshold of consciousness‖. Fechner‘s psychophysics uses a more
specific concept of ―sensory threshold‖. A theory of signal detection and subjective
psychophysics declare a threshold as a non-working idea. In the author‘s theory,
a threshold is a logically unavoidable consequence of the classification process.
This approach allows combining ideas of other approaches. There is an uncertainty principle
in the classification process: assigning a stimulus to a class is an automatic process which
makes no mistakes, however, when consciousness checks for mistakes, the representation of
a class itself becomes wider, its borders become uncertain. For sensory tasks, an uncertainty
principle states that when there is an absolute match between a stimulus and a standard,
we can not get a conscious evaluation of accuracy of the match. In other words, we pay for an
accurate match with uncertainty on evaluation of the accuracy
Translated title of the contributionA THRESHOLD PROBLEM IN THE HISTORY OF PSYCHOLOGY
Original languageRussian
Title of host publicationНаука как общественное благо
Subtitle of host publicationсборник научных статей. В 7 томах
Place of PublicationМ.
PublisherРусское общество истории и философии науки
ISBN (Electronic)978-5-6043173-7-2 (Т. 2)
StatePublished - 2020
EventВторой международный конгресс Русского общества истории и философии науки «Наука как общественное благо» - СПбГУ, Санкт-Петербург, Russian Federation
Duration: 27 Nov 202029 Nov 2020


ConferenceВторой международный конгресс Русского общества истории и философии науки «Наука как общественное благо»
Country/TerritoryRussian Federation
Internet address

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