
The article discusses the issues on the competencies of an effective line manager. Based on the
research of the line manager’s competencies and their impact on personnel turnover rates, as well as on the
business results of the divisions in two Russian companies, the authors conclude that the line manager’s
competence profiles are redundant, i.e. include requirements that don’t match an effective leader’s behavior
model. A set of competencies that characterize an effective line manager was revealed. The results of the
study need to be tested in another retail companies as well as companies from other economic areas.
Translated title of the contributionCOMPETENCIES OF EFFECTIVE LINE MANAGER
Original languageRussian
Title of host publicationУстойчивое развитие: общество и экономика
Subtitle of host publicationМатериалы VI Международной научно-практической конференции
EditorsС.А. Белозеров, Д.Н. Колесов, А.Н. Лякин
Place of PublicationСПб.
PublisherИздательство Санкт-Петербургского университета
ISBN (Print)9785288059773
StatePublished - Oct 2019
EventVI Международная научно-практическая конференция «Устойчивое развитие: общество и экономика» - St Petersburg State University, Санкт-Петербург, Russian Federation
Duration: 28 Feb 20191 Mar 2019
Conference number: VI


ConferenceVI Международная научно-практическая конференция «Устойчивое развитие: общество и экономика»
Abbreviated titleУстойчивое развитие: общество и экономика
Country/TerritoryRussian Federation
Internet address

    Research areas

  • leadership, line manager, competencies, profile of effective leader

ID: 50461328