The concept of worldview is enjoying its second birth in the current humanities - the representatives of various fields of scholarship draw their attention to it. Such an interest can be is based on the interpretation of worldview as a certain phenomenon, not simply a term of a considerable semantics. Miscellaneous approaches to the concept of worldview could be combined in two basic movements - anthropological (here one finds psychological and linguistic approaches) and pedagogical (philosophical and theological ones). Each of these approaches interprets worldview in the typical way, which provides us with its essential characteristics as a phenomenon. Applying the descriptive, comparative, hermeneutic analysis of the sources, we have concluded that the interest to the phenomenon of worldview is connected with, firstly, its heuristic potential, secondly, its semantic universality and, thirdly, a possibility to reconsider the modern concept of subject via the communicative strategies (as the dialog of culture
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)11-23
Issue number2
StatePublished - 2020

    Research areas

  • linguistic approach, philosophical anthropology, philosophical approach, psychological approach, theological approach, worldview, worldview phenomenon, богословский подход, лингвистический подход, мировоззрение, психологический подход, феномен мировоззрения, философская антро пология, философский подход

ID: 78495696