In a pandemic, distributed management teams have become widespread, which now carry out the functions that were previously implemented in the office. The authors show the possibility of applying management theory in these specific conditions. The research is based on the works of the English psychologist R.M. Belbin and business consultant I.K. Adizes. The paper shows the difficulties faced by distributed teams in modern conditions and possible ways to overcome them, including protection against information overload. The management team according to the theory of R.M. Belbina includes eight major managerial roles. The authors divide these roles into strategic and operational, with each operational role complementing the strategic one. Among the ensemble of roles of the management team, one should single out the mandatory roles, without which the team cannot be effective, and the core of the team, which makes its work effective.
Translated title of the contributionBuilding a culture of dispersed teams
Original languageRussian
Title of host publicationПятый международный экономический симпозиум - 2021
Subtitle of host publicationМатериалы международных научных конференций: VIII Международной научно-практической конференции памяти профессора В.Т. Рязанова, Международной научной конференции по бухгалтерскому учету и финансовому анализу памяти профессора В.В. Ковалева, XVIII Международной конференции, посвященной 120-летию со дня рождения профессора С.И. Тюльпанова, XXVII Международной научно-практической конференции
EditorsО.Л. Маргания
Place of PublicationСПб
ISBN (Print)9785001970095
StatePublished - 2021
EventПятый международный экономический симпозиум – 2021. - Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет, Экономический факультет, Санкт-Петербург, Russian Federation
Duration: 14 Apr 202116 Apr 2021


ConferenceПятый международный экономический симпозиум – 2021.
Country/TerritoryRussian Federation

    Scopus subject areas

  • Business, Management and Accounting(all)

ID: 89653120