The article is dedicated to the analysis of the grammatical transformation of linguistic units in the special position of enjambement in modern poetry of the second half of the XXth century. Lexical and grammatical categories of parts of speech and forms obtainambivalent realisation in syntagmatic redistribution of fragments of speech, while non-semantic and agrammatic elements receive lexical and grammatical meaning. The dualistic perception of linguistic units is influenced not only by the poetic intonation with the dominance of rhythm over the syntax but also by the context.
Translated title of the contributionENJAMBEMENT AND GRAMMAR
Original languageRussian
Title of host publicationГрамматические исследования поэтического текста
Subtitle of host publicationМатериалы международной научной конференции
EditorsЛ. Л. Шестакова, Н. В. Патроева
Place of PublicationПетрозаводск
PublisherИздательство Петрозаводского государственного университета
ISBN (Print)9785802132036
StatePublished - 2017
EventГрамматические исследования поэтического текста - Петрозаводск, Russian Federation
Duration: 7 Sep 201710 Jul 2018


ConferenceГрамматические исследования поэтического текста
Country/TerritoryRussian Federation

ID: 11357115