The main goal of this paper is to define the so-called Chow weight structure for the category of Beilinson motives over any 'reasonable' base scheme $S$ (this is the version of Voevodsky's motives over $S$ defined by Cisinski and Deglise).
We also study the functoriality properties of the Chow weight structure (they are very similar to the well known functoriality of weights for mixed complexes of sheaves).
As shown in a preceding paper, the Chow weight structure automatically yields an exact conservative weight complex functor (with values in $K^b(Chow(S))$). Here $Chow(S)$ is the heart of the Chow weight structure; it is 'generated' by motives of regular schemes that are projective over $S$. We also obtain (Chow)-weight spectral sequences and filtrations for any cohomology of motives; we discuss their relation with Beilinson's 'integral part' of motivic cohomology and with weights of complexes of mixed sheaves. For the study of the latter we also introduce a new formalism of relative weight structures.