The paper describes the application of the 3-D vector spherical harmonics (henceforth VSH) to the investigation of stellar kinematics. The VSH technique is suitabe for present and future catalogues which contain all three components of velocity vector: proper motions and radial velocities. In general, the VSH allows to detect all the systematic components in the stellar velocity field and does not depend on any model. If some physical model is used, the VSH not only determines the parameters of the model, but detects the systematic components which are beyond the model. The application of the VSH to the Hipparcos data complimented with radial velocities discovers the systematic components which are beyond the linear Ogorodnikov-milne model.
Язык оригиналаанглийский
Название основной публикацииJournees 2008 Systemes de reference spatio-temporels
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2008

ID: 4479806