Aims. We investigate the nature of two galaxies that are located in the field of the ring galaxy HRG 2302.
Methods. This study is based on direct BVRI imaging and long-slit spectrophotometric data in the range of 4000−9500 Å obtained with the 1.6 m telescope of the Observatório do Pico dos Dias, Brazil. The spectra were used to determine the radial velocity.
Results. The primary objective of the retrieval of the photometric data was to identify the fine structures of objects H and I. In addition, we performed image processing and made a photometric analysis to obtain the integrated standard BVRI magnitudes. The contour maps show evidence of material connecting both galaxies, suggesting that they might be interacting close companions. We estimated redshifts of z = 0.0689 and z = 0.0692. The spectra of the two galaxies resemble those of an early-type galaxy. The fact that the objects have a small radial-velocity difference and the structures around object I suggest an ongoing tidal interaction between the two