The sandy sediments of Nivå Bay (Baltic Sea, The Sound, Denmark) are often covered with the mats of sulphur bacteria and are temporarily anoxic. The vertical distribution and abundance of naked amoebae species in three sediment cores from this bay were studied. Amoebae were most abundant and diverse in the upper 1 cm of sediment, and their number and diversity decreased with increasing depth into the sediment. Amoebae were recovered from both upper oxygenated and deep anoxic layers of sediments. The species composition and abundance of amoebae was very heterogeneous, even at spatial scales of several centimeters, suggesting the existence of microhabitats selectively occupied by particular species. All species found were recorded from aerobic cultures and some of these amoebae occur in both the aerobic and anaerobic layers of the sediment. Minimal possible number of amoebae in the sediments, estimated for the first time as areal abundance integrated for depth was: core 1 - 597 cm-2; core 2 - 1110 cm-2; core 3