Результаты исследований: Публикации в книгах, отчётах, сборниках, трудах конференций › статья в сборнике материалов конференции › научная › Рецензирование
This case study of US-Russian cyber relations seeks to answer two critical questions. Firstly, can one country change the discourse of cybersecurity in another country even without committing malign activity? Secondly, whether shifts in the state of discourse will lead to changes in foreign policy toward cybernorms? The answers will help to fill gaps in the constructivist literature on cybersecurity, providing theoretical ground for the concept of cyberpower through adding to its materialist understanding. Also, this research will contribute to discourse studies explaining how a change in the conception of what is secure in cyberspace has led to cyber policy change. The case study is focused on the alleged Russian interference in the US presidential elections in 2016, the shift in domestic American cybersecurity discourse towards infosecurity, and US-Russian competition for international cybernorms.
Язык оригинала | английский |
Название основной публикации | Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security, ECCWS 2019 |
Редакторы | Tiago Cruz, Paulo Simoes |
Издатель | Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited |
Страницы | 858-861 |
Число страниц | 4 |
ISBN (электронное издание) | 9781912764280 |
ISBN (печатное издание) | 978-1-912764-28-0 |
Состояние | Опубликовано - 2019 |
Название | European Conference on Information Warfare and Security, ECCWS |
Том | 2019-July |
ISSN (печатное издание) | 2048-8602 |
ISSN (электронное издание) | 2048-8610 |
ID: 45307630