Abstract: Improving the economic development of the Russian Far East and diversifying the structure of its economy are the most important priorities of modern Russian regional policy. In achieving this goal, a large role is given to attracting foreign direct investment in the region and expanding its economic cooperation with the Asia-Pacific countries. After the introduction of anti-Russian sanctions, FDI inflows to the Russian economy declined, which became an important prerequisite for the formation of preferential investment regimes in Russia. The article discusses the results of the functioning of priority development areas (PDAs) in the Russian Far East through the prism of attracting foreign direct investment in the region, improving the investment climate and the impact on economic indicators. Particular attention is paid to the influx of Chinese FDI as part of China's BRI initiative. The competitive advantages of the priority development areas were revealed, some results of their activities were summed up, and directions for further improvements were determined.
Переведенное названиеТерритории опережающего развития как инструмент привлечения инвестиций в экономику Дальнего Востока России
Язык оригиналаКитайский (упрощенный)
Название основной публикации俄罗斯经济发展研究 2019-2020)
Подзаголовок основной публикации外部冲击条件下的俄罗斯经济发展
РедакторыСюэлин Гуань , Сергей Феликсович Сутырин
Место публикацииПекин
ISBN (печатное издание)9787516651469
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2020

    Предметные области Scopus

  • Экономика, эконометрия, и финансы (все)

    Области исследований

  • the Russian Far East, FDI, economic sanctions, special economic zones, priority development areas, investment climate

ID: 71205341