Truncated hemoglobins (trHbs) form a widely distributed family of proteins found in archaea, bacteria, and eukaryotes. Accumulating evidence suggests that trHbs may be implicated in functions other than oxygen delivery, but these roles are largely unknown. Characterization of the conditions that affect trHb expression and investigation of their regulatory mechanisms will provide a framework for elucidating the functions of these globins. Here, the transcription of Chlamydomonas trHb genes (THB1-12) under conditions of phosphorus (P) deprivation was analyzed. Three THB genes, THB1, THB2, and THB12 were expressed at the highest level. For the first time, we demonstrate the synthesis of nitric oxide (NO) under P-limiting conditions and the production of NO by cells via a nitrate reductase-independent pathway. To clarify the functions of THB1 and THB2, we generated and analyzed strains in which these THBs were strongly under-expressed by using an artificial microRNA approach. Similar to THB1 knockdown, the depletion of THB2 led to a decrease in cell size and chlorophyll levels. We provide evidence that the knockdown of THB1 or THB2 enhanced NO production under P deprivation. Overall, these results demonstrate that THB1 and THB2 are likely to contribute, at least in part, to acclimation responses in P-deprived Chlamydomonas.
Переведенное названиеУсеченные гемоглобины 1 и 2 вовлечены в модуляцию индуцируемого дефицитом фосфора формирования окиси азота у Chlamydomonas
Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)947
Число страниц12
Номер выпуска9
СостояниеОпубликовано - 21 авг 2019

    Предметные области Scopus

  • Биохимия, генетика и молекулярная биология (все)

    Области исследований

  • truncated; hemoglobins; phosphorus deprivation; acclimation; nitric oxide

ID: 45864067