This paper is the continuation of a work submitted to the International Conference Corpus Linguistics 2021 [1]. On that occasion, a rule-based stochastic hybrid part-of-speech tagger (POS) was introduced for Sranan Tongo, a Creole language from South America with around half a million speakers. Since Sranan Tongo does not have a written corpus and text annotation is an expensive and time-consuming task, it was proposed to take a first step in training a POS tagger using only 550 hand-annotated sentences with part of speech tags.

In this new contribution, the development of the POS tagger for Sranan Tongo goes a step further with the addition of more training data. For this matter, the tagger was used to annotate 2,406 sentences. The tagging results were hand-corrected and employed to retrain the model. A comparison is shown between the performance of the POS tagger on three texts before and after the inclusion of the new training data.
Язык оригиналаанглийский
ЖурналInternational Journal of Open Information Technologies
Номер выпуска12
СостояниеЭлектронная публикация перед печатью - 2021

ID: 88391256