It is shown that the likeness of the periodogram and the LS-spectrum (both estimators of the power spectrum are widely used in the spectral analysis of time series), depends on the properties of the spectral window W(omega ) corresponding to the distribution of time points. The main results are: a) all the estimators evaluated at frequency omega are identical if W(2omega )=0; b) the Schuster periodogram differs from the LS-spectra at the frequencies omega =hat ω_k/2, where hat ω_k are the frequencies at which the spectral window has large side peaks due to irregular distribution of time points. Two examples for situations typical in astronomy illustrate these conclusions.
Язык оригиналаанглийский
Название основной публикацииAstronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems VI
ИздательAstronomical Society of the Pacific
ISBN (электронное издание)9781583814611
СостояниеОпубликовано - 1997
СобытиеAstronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems VI - Virginia
Продолжительность: 22 сен 199625 сен 1996


конференцияAstronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems VI

ID: 4736856