The article stands the actual ontological and epistemological preconditions of the theory of journalism. The new century in the social sciences is characterized by the convergence of the processes that contribute to the growth needs to consider the theory of journalism as an open system, permanently updating with fresh ideas and concepts. The author analyzes experts’ answers to a formalized questionnaire in the field theory of journalism: 1) What corresponds the concept of the theory of journalism as an open system to? 2) How are important the theoretical researches of foreign colleagues for media studies in Russia? 3) Does it make sense to raise the question of any influence of the Russian experts in the field theory of journalism on the scientific discourse abroad? 4) To which extent fundamental philosophical differences hinder the construction of scientific theories of journalism as an open and adversarial system? 5) Are there any new trends of analysis in Russia today? 6) What are the current areas of jo
Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)198-212
ЖурналRussian Journal of Communication
Номер выпуска3/4
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2011

ID: 5324554