
The publication of the collective monograph �The Theory of Journalism in Russia� (Aleteya Publishers, 2018) at the very time when the scientific status of journalism is being denied among the media experts and the death of it as a profession is a permanent topic of discussions, is really a significant event. The book represents a wide range of research directions in journalism, and also defines the place of Russian scientific and educational school in the development of theoretical views in the subject field. The authors stress the uniqueness of the national journalism theory emerged by the cultural and civilization space of Russia. The Russian scientists� research achievements in the field of journalism and mass communications, unfortunately, are poorly known outside of our country. We can speak of this as a postponed duty of the national academia, which is the time to return, as the global research context is being changed from separatism and isolation to cooperation. Especially interesting is that the monograph opens a book series "St. Petersburg School of Journalism and Mass Communications", designed to present the experience and relevant research of the Institute "Higher School of Journalism and Mass Communications" of St. Petersburg State University, which is a large academic center of international level.
Язык оригиналарусский
Страницы (с-по)122-124
Число страниц3
Номер выпуска2
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2018

ID: 28198114