Geophysical methods have recently been increasingly used in geoecological studies, including engineering and geological surveys and state monitoring of the shelf subsoil. The most widely used are various types of seismoacoustic profiling, side-scan sonar, multi-beam echo sounding. Seismoacoustic methods give an idea of the morphology of geological bodies and indirectly indicate their genesis and composition of the enclosing sediments. They are most widely used in the assessment of gaseous sediments and in the identification of gravitational processes. Side-scan sonar makes it possible to identify zones of ice scouring, to give the dimensions of relief mesoforms, as well as to estimate the intensity, type and direction of lithodynamic flows. Multi-beam echo sounding allows one to assess the morphlology of the seabed over large areas and to distinguish various genetic types of relief with their quantitative characteristics. The report provides numerous examples of the use of geophysical methods for solving various geoecological problems. It is concluded that for tasks such as determining the thickness and distribution of frozen rocks, geophysical methods at the present stage cannot give an unambiguous answer. The need to prepare a methodological manual on the use of geophysical methods for solving geoecological problems is indicated.