• M. M. Abdelmalak
  • J. I. Faleide
  • S. Planke
  • L. Gernigon
  • D. Zastrozhnov
  • G. E. Shephard
  • R. Myklebust

Seismic reflection data along volcanic passive margins frequently provide imaging of strong and laterally continuous reflections in the middle and lower crust. We have completed a detailed 2-D seismic interpretation of the deep crustal structure of the Vøring Margin, offshore mid-Norway, where high-quality seismic data allow the identification of high-amplitude reflections, locally referred to as the T-Reflection. Using a dense seismic grid, we have mapped the geometry of the T-Reflection in order to compare it with filtered Bouguer gravity anomalies and seismic refraction data. The T-Reflection is identified between 7 and 10 s. Sometimes it consists of one single smooth reflection. However, it is frequently associated with a set of rough multiple reflections displaying discontinuous segments with varying geometries, amplitudes, and contact relationships. The T-Reflection seems to be connected to deep sill networks and is locally identified at the continuation of basement high structures or terminates over fractures and faults. The T-Reflection presents a low magnetic signal. The spatial correlation between the filtered positive Bouguer gravity anomalies and the deep dome-shaped reflections indicates that the latter represent a high-impedance boundary contrast associated with a high-density and high-velocity body. In ~50% of the outer Vøring Margin, the depth of the mapped T-Reflection is found to correspond to the depth of the top of the Lower Crustal Body (LCB), which is characterized by high P wave velocities (>7 km/s). We present a tectonic scenario, where a large part of the deep crustal structure is composed of preserved upper continental crustal blocks and middle to lower crustal lenses of inherited high-grade metamorphic rocks. Deep intrusions into the faulted crustal blocks are responsible for the rough character of the T-Reflection, whereas intrusions into the ductile lower crust and detachment faults are likely responsible for its smoother character. Deep magma intrusions can be responsible for regional metamorphic processes leading to an increasing velocity of the lower crust to more than 7 km/s. The result is a heterogeneous LCB that likely represents a complex mixture of pre- to syn-breakup mafic and ultramafic rocks (cumulates and sills) and old metamorphic rocks such as granulites and eclogites. An increasing degree of melting toward the breakup axis is responsible for an increasing proportion of cumulates and sill intrusions in the lower crust.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)2497-2523
Число страниц27
Номер выпуска11
СостояниеОпубликовано - ноя 2017
Опубликовано для внешнего пользованияДа

    Предметные области Scopus

  • Геофизика
  • Геохимия и петрология

ID: 86065114