Large marine ecosystem – the water areas, characterizing by common bathymetry, geomorphology, properties of water masses, hydroclimate (air circulation and cryosphereic elements if it is question of freezing regions), biogeography, ecology, productivity and trophically interconnected populations. Distinguishing of large marine ecosystems is based on physico-geographic, oceanographic and biocenosis factors. Most full of them serves landscape-bionomic approach considering multi-level description of biomes taking for basic structural elements of water columns. Mark Spalging (Spalding and al, 2007) addressing to history of problem, writes that biogeographic regionalization of the World Ocean is traditionally biotic, leaning on showing up unique floristic and faunistic complexes by distribution analysis of taxa (families, genus, species). Developed by Spalding with colleagues the global system of regionalization includes 12 realms, 62 provinces and 232 ecoregions. Criteria for their separating include biocen
Язык оригиналаанглийский
Название основной публикацииProc.of the 28th Int.Symp.on Okhotsk Sea & Sea Ice (OSCORA).
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2013
Опубликовано для внешнего пользованияДа

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