We have shown for the first time that a platinum layer has been obtained on the surface of nickel foil as a result of Galvanic Replacement Reaction
(GRR) when interacting with an aqueous solution of H2PtCl6, during drying in air, partially rolling up into incompletely formed microscrolls with
a unique 3D morphology. Analysis of the wall of these microscrolls by FESEM, TEM, HR-TEM, and SAED methods showed that they are porous
and formed by platinum nanocrystals with sizes of 5 – 10 nm, and their packing density over the wall thickness differs. Nickel foil samples with the
layer of platinum microscrolls deposited on their surface exhibit high electrocatalytic activity in hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) during water
electrolysis in the alkaline medium. In particular, the overpotential value is 32 mV and the Tafel slope is 32.5 mV/dec for an electrode with the
platinum layer with a thickness of 120 – 140 nm
Переведенное названиеЭффект "скручивания" слоя платины, полученного на поверхности никеля при взаимодействии с раствором H2PtCl6 и его электрокаталитические свойства в реакции выделения водорода при электролизе воды в щелочной области
Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)630-633
ЖурналNanosystems: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics
Номер выпуска5
СостояниеОпубликовано - 10 ноя 2021

ID: 88111587