
  • Ареф Бижан
  • Shoayb Mohammadi
Iran has been considered by the Georgian authorities as an important country in the strategic ocean of the Gulf and Caspian Sea energy after independence. The regional and
trans-regional powers continues to play an important role in relations between the two
countries. The barriers to the expansion of relations between the two countries are also affected by the type of economy and internal structures. Nevertheless, Georgia as a separate republic from the Soviet Union, while acting in the West Square, still has limited relations with Iran. Relations between Iran and Georgia began with the collapse of the USSR and in that time have experienced a lot of hesitation. Iran has one of the first countries to recognize the independence of Georgia. Political contacts and economic relations between Iran and Georgia in the 22 years is not very active. Side tried to maintain communication, primarily focusing on their geographical proximity. Tehran and Tbilisi have not yet reached the implementation of major economic projects, but the mutual desire to breakthrough results still present. Iran and Georgia in recent years managed to mitigate some apprehension to each other, which is determined by closely involving Georgia's Euro-Atlantic integration schemes. Aggravating moment to establish trust between the two countries were close ties between Georgia and Israel. Particularly alarmed Iran close military-technical cooperation Tbilisi and Tel Aviv. Iranian-Georgian relations have not escaped the impact of regional and trans-regional powers. The coming to power in Georgia party "United National Movement" headed by Mikhail Saakashvili did not contribute to the rapprochement of Tbilisi and Tehran. At the same close ties U.S. and Georgia, among which in January 2009 was signed Strategic Partnership Charter, were not insurmountable irritant to Iran. In contrast, the Georgian authorities Marshall line on close relations with the West viewed Tehran in a pragmatic manner. Georgia could become a mediator between Iran and the West, primarily in the economic sphere. The question is: How regional and trans-regional powers influenced Iran-Georgia relations. The hypothesis is that foreign elements have had a negative impact on the expansion of cooperation between the two countries. The results show that Iran's extensive cooperation with Russia, on the one hand, and Georgia's extensive cooperation with the West, especially the United States, are the main obstacle to further developing relations between the two countries.
Язык оригиналаанглийский
Название основной публикацииCaucasus International University, Georgia
Число страниц20
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2020

ID: 77178160