• V. M. Milenin
  • N. A. Timofeev
  • A. Ya Vul'
  • S. V. Kidalov
  • M. A. Khodorkovskiǐ

Experimental data are presented that demonstrate the dependence of the glow discharge parameters in argon-hydroxyl mixtures, including the UV emission efficiency, stability, and duration of the discharge, on the working mixture preparation conditions. Principles allowing the preparation of optimum inert gas-hydroxyl mixtures are established. The main point is to suppress the possible formation of water and/or hydroxyl complexes capable of hindering the realization of optimum conditions for the 306.4 nm OH resonance band excitation in the discharge stage.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)835-836
Число страниц2
ЖурналTechnical Physics Letters
Номер выпуска9
СостояниеОпубликовано - 1 сен 2000

    Предметные области Scopus

  • Физика и астрономия (разное)

ID: 49093459