Human chorionic gonadotropin that is widely used for improving spermatogenesis. The effect of chorionic gonadotropin is mediated through luteinizing hormone receptor. Treatment with gonadotropin is associated with undesirable effects due to hyperactivation of testosterone production and luteinizing hormone receptor desensitization. A promising alternative could be low-molecular-weight agonists of luteinizing hormone receptors, but their effects on spermatogenesis have not been investigated. Here we analyzed the effect of a thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidines (TP), 4-((3-(5-amino-6-(tert-butylcarbamoyl)-2-(methylthio)thieno [2,3-d]pyrimidine-4-yl) phenyl)carbamoyl)pyridine 1-oxide (TP22), an allosteric agonist of luteinizing hormone receptors, on the seminiferous tubules and spermatogenic cells in 4- and 18-month-old male rats and in animals with diabetes mellitus. TP22 and gonadotropin were administered in daily doses of 15 mg/kg and 20 U/rat for 5 days. Blood testosterone level, morphology of the seminiferous tubules, and the number of germ cells in them were estimated. Being comparable by the efficiency to gonadotropin, TP22 increased the testosterone level in all the studied groups of rats and restored epithelium thickness in the seminiferous tubules and the number of spermatogonia and pachytenic spermatocytes that are reduced in aging and diabetes, but, unlike gonadotropin, did not suppress the expression of luteinizing hormone receptor. The efficacy of TP22 as a stimulator of testicular spermatogenesis has been demonstrated both under normal conditions and in age-related and diabetes-associated reproductive dysfunctions.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)81-86
Число страниц6
ЖурналBulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine
Номер выпуска1
СостояниеОпубликовано - мая 2021

    Предметные области Scopus

  • Биохимия, генетика и молекулярная биология (все)

ID: 87956821