Non-thermal plasma action on gas flows is one of important prospective scientific topic now. The main motivation of it is to build the systems without any movable mechanical units. One of the noncontacting ways to control gas flows is an actuator based on a dielectric-barrier discharge (DBD). One more else application of DBD plasmas is related to the atmospheric pressure plasma jets developed for biomedicine technologies. These systems can operate under the laminar-turbulent transition of gas flow regime. Laminar and turbulent regimes provide various chemical plasma kinetics and discharge energy parameters. A mechanism of the transition of laminar gas flow to turbulent one under the action of DBD is still not well-understood. We studied gas flow regimes in a helium atmospheric pressure plasma jet, which is driven by a coaxial dielectric barrier discharge system. The voltage with an amplitude of 2 kV and frequency of 45 kHz was applied to the central rode electrode 1.5 mm in a diameter. A quartz tube with an
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СостояниеОпубликовано - 2019
Опубликовано для внешнего пользованияДа

ID: 78608970