The article describes the attempt of the authors to compile an annotated corpus of texts written in the Albanian language before 1840’s. This corpus makes part of the Albanian National Corpus (ANC). We tell about our practical experience of digitization and morphological annotation of an early Albanian text, “E mbsuame e krështerë” (1592) by Luca Matranga. We also test and demonstrate the possibilities of the corpus-aided approach to this text, taken as such and in comparison with the contemporary texts of the Corpus written in the modern Standard Albanian, and discuss the usage of this approach for the study of the Albanian historical grammar and lexicon
Язык оригиналаанглийский
Название основной публикацииAlbanische Schriftkultur aus der Perspektive der historischen Lexikographie und der Philologie der Gegenwart. Akten der 6. deutsch-albanischen kulturwissenschaftlichen Tagung, 27. September 2019, Buçimas bei Pogradec, Albanien
РедакторыBardhyl Demiraj
Место публикацииWiesbaden
ИздательHarrassowitz Verlag
ISBN (печатное издание)978-3-447-11391-5
СостояниеОпубликовано - 11 мая 2020

Серия публикаций

НазваниеAlbanische Forschungen
ISSN (печатное издание)0568-8957

    Области исследований

  • ALBANIAN LANGUAGE, early Albanian texts, language corpus, Annotation, lemmatization, morphological variants, HISTORICAL GRAMMAR

ID: 73177257