Sodium 1,4-bis[(2-ethylhexyl)oxy]-1,4-dioxybutane-2-sulfonate (Aerosol OT) reverse micelles in isooctane have been simulated, and the mean-square dipole moment has been calculated. The formed isolated micelles have been classified according to aggregate radius and surface area per one surfactant molecule. It has been shown that, for micelles with a constant surface density of surfactant anion charges, the meansquare dipole moment rises with the aggregate size faster than the squared radius does. Dipole moment values obtained within the atomistic model for a reverse micelle are much higher than the values presented in the literature for the primitive model.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)184-188
ЖурналColloid Journal
Номер выпуска2
СостояниеОпубликовано - 1 мар 2018

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  • Коллоидная химия и химия поверхности

ID: 36319437