A sample of 295 teachers from six educational institutions in the town of Kolpino (Kolpino District, St. Petersburg) is used to explore school teachers' perception of talent management policies and practices as elements of the school's organizational culture and to analyze linkages between such practices and teachers' organizational commitment. The study relied on the Organizational Commitment Questionnaire (OCQ) developed by Lyman W. Porter and the new Talent Management in Education questionnaire by Brent Davies and Barbara J. Davies. The latter was adapted for the Russian sample, evidence of the method's reliability and construct validity being provided in the article. Results show that organizational commitment of teachers is higher in schools where leaders foster professional development, collaboration and collegial decision making. Years of teaching experience do not affect organizational commitment, but younger teachers are more committed to their schools than their older colleagues. Teacher commitment to educational institutions was also found to be predicted by whether teachers perceive talent management practices as elements of the school's organizational culture.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)168-188
Число страниц21
ЖурналVoprosy Obrazovaniya
Номер выпуска3
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2021

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ID: 88937694